Friday, December 23, 2011

Submissive Phone Sex

All Men have a little boy inside of him just waiting to come out! I am here to remind you of him through a Submissive Phone Sex Session.

Of course you may be disillusioned by your manly body and may have forgotten about that boy inside. I will help you become acquainted with him again and as you might guess I will be the one taking control.

Persuading you to comply is just what will happen during Submissive Phone Sex Session. You will be puddy in my presence, a helpless ABDL or a aspiring Sissy wearing Mommies Panties! You will not resist me; no matter how hard you try! Soon you will be subdued into my phone sex toy to do with as I wish.

Mizz Rebecca

1 888 430 2010

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Halloween Fetish Parties!

Halloween Fetish Parties is where I find my self at home. I love the costumes, the makeup. the drama, the over exaggeration of everything from the decorations to peoples actions. And is as good as time as any to Express ourselves! So have a glorious and wicked time this Halloween and engage in all the festivities that are offered! Strut and Express yourself!

Mizz Rebecca

1 888 430 2010

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Expressionism not just for Art any more!

Expressionism not just for Art any more but for the 21 century FeMale! Wikipedia tells us that

“The basic characteristics of Expressionism are Dionysian: bold colours, distorted forms-in-dissolution, two-dimensional, without perspective” The latter somewhat similar to the struggles many men who long to engage in feminization are forced to face.

Seems such a shame and most unfair that only people involved in the performing arts in our culture are granted permission of expressionism; to cross boundaries the rest of us must adhere to. So I say to you free yourself and as you do break out of the daunting old mold of sissies such as the little pink dress and ruffled panties. I know you like pink but I want you to really let loose clear your mind of any and all perspectives. Wild and crazy colors, bangle bracelets, wild hair dues, rags or riches whichever you delight, but most of all cum out, cum out and Express Yourself!

Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010

Thursday, September 15, 2011


So I am curious as to what you all think would be the most humiliating experience ever! That would be my assignment this week for all you followers who enjoy humiliation. I would ask that you post your comment on this post and I will respond as well as share my thoughts. It would be nice to start getting a conversation started on my blog, so dont be shy post your ideas and read back over my older post and share your comments with me on some of my ideas of sissy lessons and diaper punishments. Now get busy !!!

Mizz Rebecca
1 888 430 2010

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Breaking you down

Jacob, a new student in my class thinks he is all that. He has quit the ego, very pompous attitude and all the teenyboppers cater to his every whim. He is in for a real lesson in my class. I will delight in watching him fold. In my class he will learn that he is far from being a man, why he is just a little boy. Once he experiences a mature woman such as myself he will crumble quickly as do all the boyz in my class. Mizz. Rebecca has a special lesson for Jacob, a lesson that will last with him the rest of his life. The big man on campus will soon be a mumbling fool, my pet and most eager to please all my whims.

Mizz Rebecca

1 888 430 2010

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Phone a Mommy

Hi all my faithful followers. Please check out Phone a Mommy on You tube and please pass it along to fellow ABDL's and Sissies! Much Appreciated!

Hope you all are being proper lil Missies and Filling your Diapers!
Mizz. Rebecca
1 888 938 7382

Monday, June 27, 2011

Diaper Bitch

Not sure what you expected my little man, but things are never going to be the same for you again. I am Mizz Rebecca and I demand your respect and your service. As of today you are my bitch, my diaper loving bitch. Mizz Rebecca has plenty of activities in store for you my small submissive one. Right after I finish my cigarette will begin your training. I don’t play games, so pay close attention! For now, just stand at attention and hold your diaper open, let me flick my ashes in there. I wouldn’t want to get the floor dirty, but if I should miss, your tongue will clean it up nicely I am sure.

Mizz Rebecca

1 888 430 2010

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Know the origin of your Sissy Dress, my lil Missy!

Recently, a caller of mine who considers himself very feminine and who has spent mega money on woman’s clothing but had no clue about the history of woman’s ware stunned me. She had no knowledge of what a fainting couch was or a true understanding of corsets. She had wide feet and didn’t understand why her feet hurt in her heels yet had never heard of feet binding.

She was of the assumption that women’s attire was suppose to be comfortable just because of the material it was made with, but this is a misconception. In fact for most of history woman's ware was designed for Moral implications stemming from religious institutions chastising and confining women which has dominated women’s fashions for centuries. As far back as 1558 religious movement by the Puritans influenced dress codes and equated dress to chastity and morality.

Throughout history clothing was structured by social status and cultural influences. Dress for women has always been more confining and concealing than men’s ware. In my opinion, any man wanting to be feminized should know that Men were largely responsible for women’s fashions and that in European countries and early America ~ Fashion over Comfort ruled clothing styles up until the 1920’s when the Flapper era took over freeing women to some degree of restrictions.

However, during the 1930’s conservative clothing would return and Man would still dominate women’s dress long after women’s rights movements and feminist were burning bras.

This is not to say there has not been many influential women along the way who have been responsible in trend setting, Coco Chanel for instance, who’s designs were inspired by men’s ware and once stated “Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury” words which ring true today with most Women!

Even in the 21st century fashion vs. comfort is still a hot topic amongst women. Today women have been working on designing high heels that are said to be more comfortable and in designing clothing that is loose yet sexy, simple yet stylish. There are more women today in the Fashion industry than ever before in history! Sadly, places preoccupied and ruled by cultural traditions, religious beliefs and male dominated societies still dictate how women should dress.

So my thoughts are if you truly want to engage yourself into a women's world and in order to embrace feminism to the fullest then you will need to do some research. So that is the assignment this week. Do your research and then please post a comment as to something interesting that you learned. Then perhaps I can put together a time line with what information you gathered for a fun lesson in The History of Women's Ware.

Did you know?

That before we knew them as petticoats they were known as Farthingale. The Farthingale first appeared during the early 1500’s and that they were usually constructed out of wood and wicker. In Spain they were originally worn for discretionary purposes usually to hide unwanted pregnancy or pregnancy due to infidelity.

Mizz Rebecca
1 888 938 7382

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Am I a Sissy?

Have you asked yourself this question before? I had a caller last night who wanted to know if he was a real sissy or not. He said that he had just come to terms with his small penis and that his girlfriend has been buying toys such as strap-ons and even has been using it on him. So he called me while she was out and said he looked in her panty drawer and decided to try some of her slinky panties on to see how it would feel. As he spoke to me he said how nice the panties felt and he just loved how her little pink baby doll felt on him. He asked me if I would be unhappy with a little dick and if I thought she was unhappy with it. So, do you find that you are in the same position as my caller? Do you think you might be a sissy too? If you need help in exploring the idea further be sure to give Mizz Rebecca a call and I will explore it in detail and I will help you find out the truth. In the mean time take my poll, "Am I a Sissy".

Mizzz Rebecca

1 888 938 7382

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mitten & Bootie Punishment

I just love bounding my sissies, not because they are bad mind you, no, not at all. I love to bound them so that they can feel like a true sissy baby. A pair of satin baby mittens to bound and restrain the hands, making a sissy baby feel subdued and helpless.

A pair of locking panties to make her feel humble, while requiring her obedience. Last but not least, adding the finishing touch of a pair of binding booties, to keep her docile and infantile.

Mizz Rebecca
1 888 938 7382

Friday, April 8, 2011

AB Jesse

Thank you Jesse for your thoughtful and honest response, I also thank you for allowing me to share it here. I am sorry for my late posting of this I had some personal issues arise that had me away for a bit. But again, I do so appreciate that you took the time to share this with us! So many I know that read this can relate to you and your experience that is why I personally believe that the Internet and blogs such as this is a great venue for sharing personal stories and can be done so anonymously without repercussion while also helping others know they are not alone! Thank you ever so much!
From ABJesse:

My interest in wearing diapers began almost as soon as I was first potty trained at just over three years old. I remember always being a little jealous of my younger sisters who seemed to get more attention than I ever did. So maybe it was just that association with being younger and getting more attention that made me want to hang on to my wearing diapers but I really don’t know. As a teen and later an adult today, part of it is I want to take back my innocence and just be me without the day to day stresses that we have to deal with as we get older. It’s sort of an escape.

It has always seemed to me that girls had more fun than boys. So I spent my life just wishing I had been born a girl instead. I’m sure that’s why I eventually chose to see myself as a bABy girl rather than a boy.

About 99% of my baby time has been alone with my fantasies, but there have been two attempts at live play with another person. I just wrote about the first in my blog at It was with my girlfriend when we were in second (and third) grades together. It was just basically rated G child play. But it was also my first “Baby play.”

The second time was a few months ago, My Aunt and I had plans to get together in person. I was really looking forward to it because it was going to be my first time live as a bABy with another person since I was a little kid (this time with real diapers and baby things). As the day approached the excitement continued to build and my fantasies were going wild. When the day finally arrived, I drove out to her house and once I arrived, discovered I could not do it. I could not let down my guard, become vulnerable, and be her bABy niece. I felt awful because I had disappointed my best friend. We spent a few hours together and had fun as two friends but there was no bABy time.

I guess I’m still a little bit intimidated by the idea of actually meeting anyone in person. After discussing what had happened that day at my aunt’s house, we came to the conclusion that I just tried to do too much too fast. It was a new experience for me to do it with someone else present. So I am just taking this whole thing slowly one step at a time. The good news is that we plan to try it again sometime and just go a step at a time.

anyone wanting to also share their experience here is welcome! Or if you would like a more private and intimate conversation please call I would love to hear from you!

mommie becca
1 888 430 2010

Sunday, March 13, 2011

ABDL Academy

So this week I would like to point all my followers to a new site that we have created Phonesexkisses. As well as invite all my other FemDom Friends to join in ABDL Academy and open it up to all the Pro-Doms that I work with and have this become a new Sissy & ABDL site for PhoneaMommy.

So, if any of you have any questions for us this will be a good place to ask and have our Dommes answer them for you.

Mizz Rebecca

1 888 430 2010

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sissy's & Diaper Lover's Favorite Time.

So I was looking over other friends of mines Blogs and Websites, and something I found interesting was that of their Sissies being made to write a post for them. Some wrote on their experiences, some on their Domme's training lessons. So I thought I would like to do the same. I would like to hear of one of your favorite personal experince as a sissy or diaper lover. It can be about anything that invloves your diaper lover or sissy lifestyle. A ritual perhaps, something you engage your self in personally, a real life experience you had as a sissy or dl, how you became to be a sissy/diaperlover or even a fantasy of something you wish for. I look forward to reading them and would like to be able to share them here publicly. If you do not wish for them to be shared that is ok to, just inform me in the email with your story. If you would like them posted publicly think about sending me a pic to go along with the post, it can be of you - it can be just a body shot only or it can even be a random picture that you feel best represents your story. So get busy writing and hunting for a picture. Please email them to me Make sure to let me know if you want it published here on my page or not! No Dirty Diaper Photos will be accepted. Sorry!

Mizz Rebecca
1 888 430 2010

Saturday, February 12, 2011

ABDL Assignment

Okay, this week I have an easy assignment for everyone. I am working on a new website and would like your input. It is a true website as opposed to just a blog site so I am able to have more widgets and more control which mean more interaction. Now I also have created a new theme. This will be a more dirty site that really is about getting down and dirty with yours truly! So as it is still under construction, so please review it and contact me with your suggestions.

The new site is Dailey Diaper.

Now get to work!

Mizz Rebecca

1 888 430 2010

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tisk Tisk Task Task

Alrighty Abies and Sissies I have had only one person complete the last assignment that I posted and Hurray to BabyJess for doing so. Kudos's Baby Girl!!! Now you others are slacking. Only two have responded to my last poll. Now I would like to know where you would like to have a Public Diaper Change. Please make sure you complete the newest poll to the right of the page, if I failed to mention a place of interest please comment on this post as to where that place of interest would be. Second I would like for each of you write me up a list of your New Year Resolutions. They can be posted right here under the comment sections. If you are a Sissy you may begin this by stating, I Sissy (name) promise to wear pretty panties everyday this new year or I will promise to keep my legs shaven and silky smooth at all times, or I will make sure to keep my lips fresh at all times! Now if you are an ABDL you might say something to the affect of I promise Mommy that I (insert name) will be a good listener, I promise I will only make creamies in my diaper with Mommy Becca's permission, I promise to wear clean diapers when I go out in public. So get busy. Not all of you are participating. I am trying to make this as interactive as I can so we can all have some fun. Do slackers be ware you will not graduate until you do your work! *Slaps the Ruler on the Desk* Now Hustle!!!

1 888 430 2010

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Forced Diapering

I know that most people are rather reluctant to allow me to diaper them, this is why my having to force them upon you is my only choice. Some of you are so weak and pathetic that I have no other choice but to make you into diaper babes. On the other hand, some of you are too big for your britches, which can also land you back into diapers! First assignment for all my diaper slaves and this is to email me ( your diaper picture. On the diaper you need to write with a marker "Becca's Diaper Slave!" Next you need to swing by and ask for me in Chat I am usually there on Sundays and Tuesdays, but you can always ask one of the ladies to get me. Once you have completed your first assignments of the New Year we shall see how we will progress. Each of you will move through your lessons at a different pace then others. But I assure you, you all will have lessons that you MUST complete!

Now send those Pics and Make your call for your next lesson. All first callers will receive 5 minutes free that is $10.05 savings! Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome Back!

Well I am certain you are all not too happy about being back in class after the winter break but let me assure you this semester shall be full of new and challenging assignments. I would like to get into a little more forced diapering and diaper bondage. This will include introducing the locking plastic pants and panties so that the ABDL & Sissy looses control to me. It also means that if I have to use restraints I will do so, reporting to me will be a must and set schedules will be assigned. I would like to also take the sissies to a new level of making sure they truly embrace their feminine side. This will include but not limited to dressing up on a more regular basis, so if you do not have the proper girly wardrobe full of ruffles and lace, satin and nylons, rumbas and pinafores, slips and other accesories then I urge you to purchase some. To truly connect you must feel the part and to do so means engaging fully in the lifestyle, I want you to become the girl you really are totally immersing yourself in the bubbly giddy girly-girl ways and all the qualities that comes with such as being sweet, cute, pretty, sexy, charming, and playful. So class be prepared for a busy year! If you would like to get to know me better please visit with me in our chatroom I am usually there on Tuesdays and Sundays.

1 888 430 2010